Communications from the Board:

02/13/25: Feb 10th HOA Meeting Agenda
February 10th HOA Meeting Agenda. Please CLICK HERE to view it.

01/21/25: GFL 2025 Holiday Schedule
The 2025 GFL Holiday Schedule is now available. Please CLICK HERE to view it.

01/07/25: River North Approved Budget
The Approved Budget for 2025 has been posted.  Please CLICK HERE to view it.

07/01/24: Board of Directors Elected
The Management Office would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the 2024/2025 newly elected Board of Directors.

River North Communities

President- Chance Bradley Scott

Vice President- Alex Hammond

Vice President- Miller Heath

Secretary & Treasurer- Jennifer Hernandez

River North Association

President- Bill Shelton

Treasurer & Secretary- James Briley

Board Member – Bill Tanner

We look forward to working with the Board in meeting all their goals to improve our wonderful community.

We would also like to express our thanks to the 2023/2024 Board of Directors for all their hard work and taking time out away from their families and business to attend to our community. We would like to thank them for their continues support of the Management Office during their tenure.

In addition, we would like to acknowledge and extend our deepest appreciation to Laura Poarch and Jason Smith of the Election Committee for all their hard work during the past 2 months. The office understands the magnitude of this task and the number of hours they had to spend away from their families and jobs to ensure a great election. The implementation of the on-line voting system, which we all can agree, was a great success for its initial launch and the “Meet the Candidates” Zoom meeting was another great idea by both Laura and Jason. Once again, we’d like to thank them both for an outstanding job.

01/30/24: River North Special Meeting Vote Results
The January Special Meeting Vote results have been posted.  Please CLICK HERE to view it.

01/22/24: River North Newsletter
The January edition of the River North Newsletter has been posted.  Please CLICK HERE to view it.

09/07/23: 2003 Bridge Inspection Report.
Please Click on the following link: 2003 River North Bridge Inspection Report to view the report.

05/24/23: Recommendations from the Board to the Covenants Committee.
Please Click on the following link: River North BOD Recommendations for Changes to Drafted Covenants to view the Recommendations from the Board to the Covenants Committee.

04/17/23: 2023 Proposed Draft Covenants
Please Click on the following link: 2023 Proposed Draft Covenants to view the Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Easements for River North Association, Inc.

11/12/22: River North Garbage Service Enrollment
Residents, It is that time of year to enroll into the garbage service. If you do not want to renew your garbage service, Please email the office at hoaoffice@rivernorthmacon. The deadline is December 15, 2022. If you do not email us you will be auto enrolled in the garbage service and cannot get out of the service until the following year, NO Exceptions.

Notice to Residents


  • Fishing within River North Please CLICK HERE for information regarding fishing within River North.

  • Healy Plantation Annexation The River North Baord is proud to announce the annexation of Healy Plantation. Welcome Healy Plantation!!

  • River North Board Consolidation Letter Please CLICK HERE to view the letter regarding the consolidation of River North Association and River North Communities into a singe community.

  • River North Information:
    If you would like to contact the River North Office you can do so by sending an E-Mail to

  • Caution!!
    Please drive slowly and be cautious when there are workers beside the road.

  • Resident Association Meeting:
    Normally scheduled Board/Resident Association meetings are typically held the 2nd Monday of every month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. This does not apply to Annual Meetings. Click Here to view the calendar.

  • Guests at Back Entrance:
    Please make sure you are logging all visitors in through the GateKey system. If you need assistance, call the HOA Office (478-743-1406).

Future Residents

Helpful information for future residents

Current Residents

Helpful information for current residents

Community News

Current information and community news

Contact Us

Contact information for River North HOA

Next Board Meeting

Calendar showing next board meeting and other events for River North